Just FYI: the internet is down at the Cardiffhouse right now - Meirion forgot to pay the damn bill - so I'm not going to be reading my flist or around on AIM until it's back up. Which apparently may be tomorrow, or it may be Friday, or it might even be next week. -_- DNW.
On the other hand, last weekend I went to plum177's on Saturday night and she and
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TALK TO ME, PEOPLE. Suggest drabbles (not arts, for once: if I do any more doodling today I'll NEVER finish), post pretty, tell me stuff I should know or that you think I'll find interesting, write me stuff, I don't care.
3025 words. FUCK YEAH. Not finished as such, but one more paragraph and a bit of adding line numbers in and I can call it finished enough to hand in tomorrow morning and justify buying myself those shoes. I'm actually quite pleased with this
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First of all: back in November, I logged onto the Cardiff Uni computers in the library and spotted a notice on the virtual noticeboard that pops up every time that said that Torchwood was filming in the Psychology building a few nights later. So niblick_iii, plum177, seren_cymraeg, galacticconman and I went to go have a nose, despite the rain and the fact that it was seriously
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